Asuro - Example circuit
An example circuit for the Asuro-robot.
Asuro - Example program
An example program for the Asuro-robot.
Asuro - Linux - Deutsch
A manual in the German language for the use of the Asuro software on a Linux PC.
Asuro - Linux - English
A manual in the English language for the use of the Asuro software on a Linux PC.
Asuro - Linux - Nederlands
A manual in the Dutch language for the use of the Asuro software on a Linux PC.
Atarisoft Pole Position
The files for building your own Atarisoft Pole Position cartridge:
Schematic and PCB-layout in EasyEDA format.
C116 Bedienungshandbuch
A manual for the Commodore C116 computer in the German language.
C64 Car-wash
The programma for the Commodore C64 car-wash.
C64 Pallet-warehouse
The program for the Commodore C64 pallet warehouse.
Commodore VIC-1906 - Alien
The files for building your own Commodore VIC-1906 - Alien:
Schematic and PCB-layout in EasyEDA format.
Commodore VIC-1919 - Sargon II Chess
The files for building your own Commodore VIC-1919 - Sargon II Chess:
Schematic and PCB-layout in EasyEDA format.
Commodore VIC-1924 - Omega Race
The files for building your own Commodore VIC-1924 - Omega Race cartridge:
Schematic and PCB-layout in EasyEDA format.
Computex Data-transfer
The files for building your own Computex Data-transfer:
Schematic and PCB-layout in EasyEDA format.
The files for building your own DELA EP64:
Schematic and PCB-layout in EasyEDA format.
BIN file for the EPROM.
Final Catridge Internal
The files for building your own Final Cartridge Internal:
Schematic and PCB-layout in EasyEDA format.
BIN files for the 2 EPROMs.
Handic - C64-FORTH
The files for building your own Handic - C64-FORTH cartridge:
Schematic and PCB-layout in EasyEDA format.
BIN file for the EPROM.
Handic - Calc Result Advanced C64
The files for building your own Handic - Calc Result Advanced cartridge:
Schematic and PCB-layout in EasyEDA format.
BIN file for the Eprom.
D64 file for the system diskette.
Handic - VIC Switch
The files for building your own Handic - VIC Switch:
Schematic and PCB-layout in EasyEDA format.
KCS - Cartridge
The files for building your own KCS - Cartridge:
Schematic and PCB-layout in EasyEDA format.
BIN-file for the EPROM.
KCS - Power Cartridge
The files for building your own KCS - Power Cartridge:
Schematic and PCB-layout in EasyEDA format.
BIN file for the EPROM.
KCS EP64128
A manual for the KCS EP64128 EPROM-programmer in the Dutch language.
KCS Tape Queen
A manual for the KCS Tape Queen cartridge in the Dutch language.
Midasonic - C64 INTER 767B
The files for building your own Midasonic - C64 INTER 767B:
Schematic and PCB-layout in EasyEDA format.
Proxa 7000
The software for the Proxa 7000 expansion.
Robcom TurboTool+ & Monitor
The files for building your own Robcom TurboTool+ & Monitor:
Schematic and PCB-layout in EasyEDA format.
BIN file for the EPROM.
Robtek - Game Killer
The files for building your own Robtek - Game Killer:
Schematic and PCB-layout in EasyEDA format.
BIN file for the EPROM.
Weka Combi Turbotool Plus - English
A manual for the Weka Combi Turbotool Plus cartridge in the English language.
Weka Combi Turbotool Plus - Nederlands
A manual for the Weka Combi Turbotool Plus cartridge in the Dutch language.
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