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Xtreme Commodore Logo

This is the Xtreme Commodore Logo. The logo is a game computer cabinet in the shape of the Commodore logo. In the logo there are a monitor, joystick and a computer installed. The computer can be a C64 DTV, C64, Amiga or other computer.

Read more about: Xtreme Commodore Logo


MOS / Motorola
The Xtreme Commodore Logo can be used with a VIC-20, PLus/4, C64, C128, Amiga 500, 600, 1200 and the C64 DTV.

Processor frequency:

Depends on the computer inside.


Depends on the computer inside.


The Xtreme Commodore Logo uses a Commodore 1084s monitor.


The Xtreme Commodore Logo uses a Commodore 1084s monitor.




1800 x 1800 x 500 mm


Richard Lagendijk
Xtreme Commodore Logo, side view.
Designing the Xtreme Commodore Logo with a CAD program.
The construction of the Xtreme Commodore Logo.
Front view of the Xtreme Commodore Logo.
Update: 2019-05-08 19:07:09
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