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Educator 64

The Commodore Educator 64, aka PET 64 or 4064 is a Commodore C64 in a PET/CBM housing. The Educator 64 was used in schools for the education of computers.
The Educator 64 is a little bit different from the standard C64. There is no RF modulator on the motherboard and the video signal is converted from color to monochrome with the help of an extra module. It has a different power supply that also powers the screen.
Above the keyboard a sticker is placed with instructions for programming on the Educator 64

With thanks to Ruud. He donated this Educator 64 to the Commodore Info Page.

Read more about: Educator 64


MOS 6510

Processor frequency:

1 MHz


64 kbyte RAM, 20 kbyte ROM


320 x 200 pix, 40 x 25 chr, 16 clr, 8 mob (The Educator 64 has a monochrome screen)


3 Voices, Noise


Expansionport, Userport, Serialport, Datassette, 2 x Joystick, TV, Video, Sound


440 x 420 x 480 mm


Commodore Educator 64, PET 64, 4064.
The instruction sticker on the Commodore Educator 64.
The model and serial number of the Commodore Educator 64.
Detail of the motherboard of the Commodore Educator 64. The motherboard is a revision A motherboard.
Update: 2019-05-08 19:31:35
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