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Amiga 2000

The Amiga 2000 is a computer system with a separate keyboard, internal power-supply, disk drive and a motherboard. On the motherboard you will find a 16-bit Motorola 68000 processor and three co-processors: Denise (video), Agnus (memory, blitter and copper) and Paula (audio and I/O). De A2000 has the OCS or the Original Chip Set.
By using different processors for specific tasks the Amigas are very efficient and quick.
The Amiga 2000 is designed for business, graphical and video applications, but also for playing games. The Amiga 2000 was targeted on the business market. The Amiga 2000 is the big brother of the Amiga 500. The amiga 2000 has several expansion slots and is standard equipped with 1024 kbyte of memory. This Amiga 2000 is equipped with a internal 10 Mbyte hard disk / controller and a PC-XT emulator.


Motorola 68000

Processor frequency:

7.14 MHz


1 Mbyte RAM
256 kbyte ROM (Some late A2000's had 512 kbyte ROM with OS2.04)


640 x 512 pix, 80 x 30 chr, 4096 clr, 8 mob


4 Voices


Parallel, Serial, 2 x Joy / Mouse, RGB(I) video, Stereo sound, Ext. diskdrive, Mono Video, Keyboard, 5 x Amiga slots, 2 x PC-XT slots, 2 x PC-AT slots, 1 x Video slot


400 x 445 x 160 mm


Commodore - Amiga
Amiga 2000
Rear view of the Amiga 2000 computer.
Inside of the Amiga 2000 computer.
The motherboard of the Amiga 2000 computer.
Update: 2017-03-02 12:45:58
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