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Robtek - Game Killer

The Robtek - Game Killer is a cartridge for the Commodore C64 computer with features that can help with playing a difficult game. The Robtek - Game Killer is made by Robtek Ltd / RAM Electronics in the United Kingdom. The cartridge is also known as the Infinity Machine. The software is developed by M.F. Zonneveld and P.A. Share, graphics by J.W.A. Kampstra and the music by R. Hubbard.

The Robtek - Game Killer has the following features:

Button on cartridge:
The sprites will be disabled.

Button on cartridge and Joy UP:
The sprite to sprite collision will be disabled.

Button on cartridge and Joy DOWN:
The sprite to background collision will be disabled.

Button on cartridge and Joy FIRE:
The Game Killer cartridge will be switched of.

The Robtek - Game Killer has one button and a 8 kB operating system.

Technical information about the Robtek - Game Killer:

It is possible to build your own Robtek - Game Killer cartridge replica with the information in the link below. I did spend hours and hours making and checking the PCB and schematic, but I can't guarantee that the drawings are perfect. If you build a Robtek - Game Killer cartridge replica with this information, it is on your own risk. But if you are successful in building a replica, let me know!

The technical files for the Robtek - Game Killer.


C64, C128




Expansion port


M.F. Zonneeld, P.A. Share, J.W.A. Kampstra, R. Hubbard.


80 x 70 x 21 mm


Robtek Ltd / RAM Electronics
The Robtek - Game Killer cartridge.
The start-screen of the Robtek - Game Killer cartridge.
The PCB of the Robtek - Game Killer cartridge.
The schematic of the Robtek - Game Killer cartridge.
Update: 2022-09-11 18:09:00
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