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Midasonic - C64 INTER 767B

The Midasonic - C64 INTER 767B is an interface device for the Commodore C64 computer. With this device it is possible to use a Rushware mouse/joystick on the Commodore C64 computer. The extra power connectors are used when this interface is used with a Amstrad computer.

The device has an input (9 pin Sub-D), an output two (9 pin Sub-D), two power connectors and a switch for choosing the computer type.

Technical information about the Midasonic - C64 INTER 767B:

It is possible to build your own Midasonic - C64 INTER 767B replica with the information in the link below. I did spend hours and hours making and checking the PCB and schematic, but I can't guarantee that the drawings are perfect. If you build a Midasonic - C64 INTER 767B replica with this information, it is on your own risk. But if you are successful in building a replica, let me know!

The technical files for the Midasonic - C64 INTER 767B.

C64 / C128


90 x 66 x 28 mm


Midasonic Industrial Co Ltd
The Midasonic - C64 INTER 767B.
The PCB of the Midasonic - C64 INTER 767B.
The schematic of the Midasonic - C64 INTER 767B.
Update: 2022-09-21 15:36:06
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