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Commodore - mpet II

The Commodore mpet II is a mp3 player. The Commodore mpet II can also be used as a voice recorder, USB memory stick or as a FM radio. The specifications are: Memory: 256 MB, Audio formats: mp3 (64 kbps - 320 kbps), wav and wma, Frequency range: 20 Hz - 20 kHz, Power supply: 1 x AAA battery (up to. 15 hours), FM tuner, Connections: USB 2.0, headphone and microphone.

MP3 player


mpet II: 98 x 39 x 23 mm
Box: 138 x 138 x 54 mm


Commodore International b.v. (the Netherlands)
Commodore mpet II
The Commodore mpet II, during switching on.
Side-view of the Commodore mpet II, with headphone and microphone connections.
Side-view of the Commodore mpet II, with USB connection.
Update: 2012-05-13 12:21:54
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