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Micro Power 2000

The Micro Power 2000 has a internal power supply, two diskette stations with each one read / write head and a motherboard. On the motherboard you will find RAM and ROM memory and a MOS 6509 processor. The Micro Power 2000 is a smart device, reading and writing works independent of the connected computer.
This is a strange disk drive. It has no text or markings on it. For years I had no info on this disk drive. But another Commodore fan called Steve send me pictures of his MSD-2 disk drive. The PCB inside is very similar to this disk drive. But there are differences:
The voltage regulators are on a separate PCB.
Position of the connectors.
All the IC's are in sockets.
There is no text on the PCB.


VIC20, C64, C16, C128, Plus4, PET / CBM


2 x 5,25 ''


2 x 170 kB (x2)

DOS version:

DOS V???


Serial IEC, Parallel IEEE


218 x 146 x 315 mm


Micro Systems Development, Inc
Micro Power 2000
The inside of the Micro Power 2000.
Advertisement of the Micro Power 2000 disk drive.
Update: 2010-04-05 13:58:11
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