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Commodore Plus/4 - NTSC

The Plus/4 is a computer system with a keyboard, external power-supply and a motherboard. On the motherboard you will find a MOS 7501 (8501) processor, RAM / ROM memory, MOS 7380 / 8360 TED video, I/O and audio and a 8551 ACIA (interface).
The Plus/4 is a part of the 264 series. The Commodore Plus/4 was introduced as a business computer.
The Plus/4 has build-in software (wordprocessor, spreadsheet, database and a graphical program), a User-port and has more memory than the C16 or C116. NTSC version.

Read more about: Commodore Plus/4 - NTSC


MOS 7501

Processor frequency:

0.89 - 1.75 MHz


64 kbyte RAM, 32 kbyte ROM


320 x 200 pix, 40 x 25 chr, 121 clr


2 voices,1 noise


Userport, Serialport, Expansionport, 2 x Joy, Datassette, Video, TV, Audio.


Plus/4: 200 x 333 x 66 mm
Box: 405 x 335 x 110 mm


Commodore Plus/4 - NTSC
Update: 2019-05-08 19:33:51
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