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Commodore 166 MMX

The Commodore 166 MMX is a computer system with a separate keyboard, internal power supply, disk drive, CD player and a motherboard. On the motherboard you will find RAM, ROM, ISA, PCI and a Intel 166 Pentium I processor. The 166 MMX is a IBM compatible PC from Commodore. The 166 MMX is a office computer. This 166 MMX has a internal hard disk, VGA video card and 16 Mbyte of RAM memory.
This is a Commodore PC from the Tulip years, it's a normal clone but assembled in the Holland by the computer company Tulip. Tulip bought the Commodore name from ESCOM.


Intel 166 MHZ Pentium I

Processor frequency:

166 Mhz


16 Mbyte RAM, ?? kbyte ROM




Stereo in / out, mic.


Keyboard, Mouse, Parallelport, Com1, Com2, VGA, 3 x PCI, 3 x ISA.


170 x 410 x 400 mm


Commodore Pentium 166 MHz MMX
Rear view of the Commodore 166 MMX computer.
Made in Holland !!
Inside of the Commodore 166 MMX computer.
Update: 2017-02-26 21:35:01
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