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Compucase 64d

The Compucase 64d is a replacement case for a C64 and a 1541. The Compucase 64d is designed for a C64 with a disk drives and a modem (or a second disk drive). The keyboard is placed in a separate case and is connected like the keyboard of a C128D. This example has Jiffy DOS installed in the C64 and the 1541.Thanks go to Ruud for donating this Compucase 64d to the Commodore Info Page.

Read more about: Compucase 64d


MOS 6510

Processor frequency:

1 MHz


64 kbyte RAM, 20 kbyte ROM


320 x 200 pix, 40 x 25 chr, 16 clr, 8 mob


3 Voices, Noise


Expansionport, Userport, Serialport, Datassette, 2 x Joystick, TV, Video, Sound


C64 Compucase: 360 x 445 x 135 mm


Compucase GmbH
C64 - Compucase
A Close-up of the Compucase 64d.
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