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C64 - DTV (NTSC)

The C64 DTV is a joystick with a complete C64 Commodore computer inside. And it also contains about 30 games. It can be connected to a TV.
This is the 1st version of the C64 DTV. The C64 DTV can be hacked or modified making it possible to connect a joystick, keyboard and a disk drive. NTSC version.

Read more about: C64 - DTV (NTSC)


Atmel ASIC

Processor frequency:

32 / 28 MHz (The emulated C64 runs on 1 MHz)


128 kbyte RAM, 2 Mbyte ROM


320 x 200 pix, 40 x 25 chr, 256 clr, 8 mob


3 Voices, Noise


Video, Sound


C64-DTV: 93 x 118 x 160 mmBox: 135 x 155 x 170 mm


Mammoth Toys
C64 - DTV (NTSC), original packaging.
The C64-DTV, NTSC version.
The inside of the C64-DTV.
The inside of a modified C64-DTV.
Update: 2019-05-08 19:21:34
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