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Commodore C64

The C64 is a computer system with a keyboard, external power-supply and a motherboard. On the motherboard you will find a MOS 6510 processor, RAM / ROM memory, MOS 6569 VIC-II video chip, MOS 6581 SID sound chip and twice a MOS 6526 CIA.
The Commodore 64 is de best known Commodore Computer. There about 22 million 64's sold. That makes the Commodore C64 the best selling computer in the world. This model has breadbox or Brotkasten as a nickname related to it's shape. PAL version.

Read more about: Commodore C64


MOS 6510

Processor frequency:

1 MHz


64 kbyte RAM, 20 kbyte ROM


320 x 200 pix, 40 x 25 chr, 16 clr, 8 mob


3 Voices, Noise


Expansionport, Userport, Serialport, Datassette, 2 x Joystick, TV, Video, Sound


C64-a: 205 x 405 x 70 mmBox: 260 x 570 x 120 mm


Commodore C64
Update: 2019-05-08 19:23:40
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